euroFORML '87
The European Forth Modification Labortory
euroFORML '87 was held at the Stettenfels Castle, Heilbronn, West Germany, 18-20 September. A copy of the proceedings are available from Delta t.
Presentations include:
- Communicating Forth, by Robert Jones.
- FURTHer FORTH with LEIBNIZ, by Andreas Goppold.
Object-Oriented Extensions Redux, by Terry Rayburn.
A Generator for Object Oriented, Cyclic Linked Lists, by Karl-Dietrich Neubert.
- A LisP-Kernal for the NC4000, by U. Hoffmann.
- Command Interpreter for Peripheral Devices with an Integrated Help Function, by Klaus Schleisiek.
- cmFORTH, mpFORTH, the FORTHchip, and Optimising Compilers, by Marco Pauck.
- The MARC4 - A Forth Based Single Chip Micro-Computer, by Graham Stout.
- Trainable Neural Nets in Forth, by John D. Carpenter.
- Directed Nets of Rule Sets and a Hybrid Search Strategy, by Thomas Jost.
- Implementation of an Expert System in Forth, by Manfred Walter.