euroFORTH '95

The 11th euroFORTH conference on the FORTH programming language and FORTH processors

The euroFORTH '95 conference was hosted by the International Centre for Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl, 27-29 October. A copy of the conference proceedings are available from DELTA-t, and are to be published with the FORML '95 conference proceedings.

The conference was held with the assistance of the working groups of the Gesellschaft für Informatik on "Architekturen für hochintegrierte Schaltungen" (FG 3.5.5) and "Alternative Konzepte für Sprachen und rechner" (FG 2.1.4). Our thanks go to the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken and Dagstuhl Castle for their generous assistance.

Len Zettel has written a report of the conference.

Presentations include:

There where no refereed papers.
