There are two types of paper you can submit: refereed (academic stream), or unrefereed (industrial stream). Refereed papers will be reviewed by experts against criteria for scientific papers, such as originality and technical quality, and then will be accepted to or rejected from the academic stream. If you are not familiar with scientific papers and their reviewing process, you may want to read guides like How To Get Your SIGGRAPH Paper Rejected, How to Write an Informatics Paper or The Researcher's Bible.
For the final camera-ready copy, the format should be A4 with at least 25mm of margins, unnumbered.
For presentation slides please submit the slides as presented (one slide per page and landscape format; it's probably better to leave intermediate slides for bullet-at-a-time slides away) as well as in handout format (to be included in the proceedings pdf, which is intended for printing): handouts should have white background (to make printing less expensive), and should put multiple slides in one page, oriented for portrait format); if you cannot do the latter part easily, just send me a version of the slides with white background and I will create a handout from them.
July 2 (anywhere on earth): Deadline for draft papers (academic stream) August 2: Notification of acceptance of academic stream papers September 12 (end of day, anywhere on Earth): Deadline for camera-ready paper submission September 14-16: Forth200x meeting September 16-18: EuroForth 2022 conference September 26 (end of day, anywhere on Earth): Deadline for papers and presentation slides for post-conference proceedings.
M. Anton Ertl, TU Wien (chair) Ulrich Hoffmann, FH Wedel University of Applied Sciences (secondary chair) Matthias Koch, Institute of Quantum Optics, Leibniz University Hannover Jaanus Pöial, Tallinn University of Technology Bradford Rodriguez, T-Recursive Technology Bill Stoddart Reuben Thomas